segment I – 5 days training
- Benefits and application, general types, styles, trends and influences
- Brief History
- Yoga for fitness, yoga for healing
- Principles of Arkaya, Restorative, Yin, Hatha, Vinyasa, Kundalini, Laughter, Nada, Nidra
- Principles of Applied Psychoneurobiology
the energetic body
- Chi, chakras, meridans, prana, nadis
the mind
- Viewpoints of the east and west
- Buddhist teachings and practices
- Shiva, Shakti, Vishnu, Brahma, Krishna, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Patanjali, Ganesha, Durga, Kali, Rama, Sita, Hanuman
- Yoga of sound, Nada
- Voice
- Affirmations
- Benefits, energetic effects and application
- Various hand positions
- bandhas
- Benefits and application
- Mula, root lock
- Uddiyana, abdominal lock
- Jalandhara, chin lock
arkaya, restorative, yin, kundalini
asana and kriya
- Sequences, postures, modifications, benefits, contradictions and modifications
- 65 asanas
- Preparatory practices, sequences postures, modifications, benefits, contradictions and modifications
- Forward, back and side, twists, balances, inversions, seated, spinal aligners
- Traction and compression
- Concluding practices
- Breath awareness
- Sectional breathing (abdominal and diaphragmatic, thoracic and clavicular)
- Controlled and effortless breathing
- Co ordination of breath and movement
- Complete breath
- Breath in asana practice
- Ujjayi, Nadi Sodhana, Sitali, Sitkari, Kapalabhati, Bhastrika, Brahmari, Ratio
- Progressive relaxation, Nidra
- Body and breath visualization
- Grounding and cleansing techniques
- Vedas
- Eight limbs ~ Ashtanga
- Three gunas
- Bhagavad Gita
- Upanishads
- the physical body
- anatomy, physiology
- Tissues, muscles, fascia, bones, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, collaggen, joints, organs
- Musculoskeletal system and neuromuscular transmission
- Skeleton and Spine, types, structure and function
- Joint types, structure and function
- Understanding Range of Movement
- Muscle properties, distribution, contractions, ligaments, tendons
- Blood and the lymphatic system
- Cardiovascular system, heart muscle and blood vessels, cardiac cycle and circulation, blood pressure
- Respiratory system, mechanism of breathing, exchange of gases, pulmonary function, control of respiration
- Digestive system, the role of secretions in digestion of food, absorption, assimilation and excretion
- Skin structure and functions, regulation of body temperature
- Endocrine system, hormones and effect of hypo and hyperactivity on the body
- Central Nervous System
- Nerve structure, properties of neurons, action, regeneration, fibers, receptors, reflex arc
- Autonomic Nervous System, sympathetic and parasympathetic, anatomy and functions
- Functions and important connections of Cerebrum, Pons, Medulla, Thalamus, Hypothalamus, Cerebellum
- Common disorders, mood swings and chronic pain
- Common spinal issues; Kyphosis, Lordosis, Scoliosis
- Physiology of stress
- Physical and structural challenges, limitations, precautions
- Avoiding common injuries in yogic practices
- Using props and variations to individualize practices
- Static, Dynamic and Resistance stretching
- Effects of Restorative and Yin Yoga
- applied psycho neurobiology
- Our experience, anatomical and conceptual designation, related science, diagnostic method and healing technique
- Mental Field Therapy
- Tapping points
yoga swing
- Benefits, energetic effects and application
- Yogic diet, balanced nutrition principles and related biochemistry
- Carbohydratess, proteins, lipids, minerals; trace elemnets, vitamins; fat vs water soluable and enzymes; inhibitors and activators
- Yogi dj
- Timing, use of music and voice to create experiences
- Tips and techniques for choosing your music
- Considerations and responsibilities
- Leadership and communication
- Creating a supportive and experiential environment to allow healing to take place
- For those new to yoga
- Placing awareness
- Hands on assists and modifications
- Building your sequence